Retro Project - The Back Yard Fence

Away With the Chain Link

In the summer of 2001 we grew tired of our yard looking like this:

There's a few things to notice in that picture. First and foremost is our little buddy Bruegger. He was our first dog and died a grand old age a couple years ago. In the background you can see our old chain link fence. That thing was horrible, but we had to live with it - until 2001! Also notice the car port, that'll make another appearance in a future "Retro Post".

We took out the old chain link, put in a Home Depot picket fence and I built an arbor for some climbing roses.  The fence was stained with Behr Deck Stain in Cedar, it came out very orange but we figured it would darken over time, which it did.

It was fun for a while though, whenever friends were coming over for the first time, we gave general directions and told them to just look for the orange fence!

I won't go into details here, but you can also see that the carport was done too (as well as the driveway).  I do like how the fence darkened though!

In the pictures below - the Before and After:



There are some good, some bad.  One bad is that the neighbors have removed all the big old trees, and another painted his garage a hideous blue! Oh well, can't worry too much about what the neighbors do! 
So there you have it, a Retro Project - The Back Yard Fence.
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