Some Small Jobs
It's been a few weeks since I posted anything, so I thought I'd take a couple minutes so y'all know I'm still alive! There's no major project going on here at 173 right now, although I'm not sure why - there's always more to do. But I am in the middle of a couple almost trivial projects. One is the door that leads into the laundry room...
The Gerstner Tool Chest
There's an interesting little story that goes along with the door but, I think I'll wait til it's done and I post about it to tell! And, there's another little project -
That's the old Gerstner machinist's tool chest my dad gave me. I'm not doing a total teardown, but I am doing a fairly thorough refurb on it. Both of these little projects are nearing completion, so - see ya in the funny papers!