Another House Viewed Before Buying 173
A few days ago I posted about the Tremont House, which was under some level of consideration before 173 was bought. Like I said in that post, sometimes it's fun to reflect on those forks in the road, the choices made, and what might have been.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost
The McDonald House
The McDonald house was a real charmer in a lot of ways. First of all, I love a Tudor-style house! I mean they just reek of English countryside charm, storybooks and quaintness! The McDonald house had all that and more...beautiful, ample yards stuccoed exterior and a dead end street.
Here Are the Stats
The McDonald house is a single family home with 1,276 sq ft and was built in 1912, and has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. This house last sold for $84,000 in February 2002. The current (2020) estimate for this house is $143,538, which has decreased by $155 in the last 30 days. - Zillow
Ticks All the Boxes
Much like the Tremont house, McDonald appeared to check almost all the important boxes. It was old (1912), has lotsa character and was recession-proof at about $84,000 back in the day. And just a point here, back then $84,000 was near the top of the desired max, and was considerably more than the price of 173.
Some of my favorite Robert Frost poems:
The Road Less Taken
Meeting and Passing
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Mending Wall
The Biggest Perk
Perhaps the most attractive part of McDonald, besides the charm, was the fact that there was a garage! Of course I've always realized that a garage for me was more likely to be a workshop than a place gor a car.
But Not All Was Sunshine and Roses
As adorable as the exterior was, the interior of the house was quite dated, although just about on par with 173 at the time. But while a place can be updated and refreshed, the rooms couldn't be enlarged. That's an important point because the whole interior felt tight and cramped.
The Dealbreaker
But the interior, as cramped as it was, wasn't the biggest problem. The old adage (can adages be new?) In real estate is location location location, the truth of which bears out on McDonald. For, you see, there is a school just in back of the house. That may be okay for some but at the time I was working the night shift so I figured getting sufficient sleep mighta been a challenge- dealbreaker!
And the Decision Was Made
With the school literally in the back yard, the price approaching the upper limit of the budget, and the unappealingly narrow street - McDonald house was decided against. I pass that street almost every day on my way home from work, and occasionally I turn up the street for a peak. It still love the outside, and it hasn't changed a bit over the years, but just like with Tremont house - 173 was the better choice!
And just as a reminder...
Thanks for stopping by and be safe out there!