The Back Stoop 2024 Part 3


The Railings

I'm surprised how long this back poch project has taken.  It all started in June when I replaced all the back porch window screens.  Then we moved on to  putting in window sills for the same windows, before finally installing the shake-style siding on the lower half of the back porch.  And now we're nearing the end of remodeling the back stoop for what is really the second time since we arrived here in 1997, the first being back in 2016.  Let's get into it.

Before We Start

Before we get started on the railings, I had to address a shortcoming that I knew we had in the siding of the East wall.  As you can see in this photo,  the siding doesn't meet up with the stoop.

In the area where the wall meets the stoop, the several rows of siding didn't quite come to the edge of the stoop.  The reason is that it just didn't seem like we'd be able to get a really good fit by cutting each row specifically to fit.  

So, back in July I decided we would put a piece of PVC board in that corner to make it look more finished.  This really needed to be done before we put the railings from the stoop onto the steps, and there was no time like the present. 

The North End 

When last we met, we had installed new decking on the floor of the back stoop.  Next it was time to get into the last phase - of the stoop remodel, putting in the railings.

Before we started the decking of the back stoop, we removed all the railings.  The north end railing period came off in one piece, and we stored by the compost bin in the backyard these past several weeks.

Because of that, the first half of reinstalling the railings, was a relative piece of cake.

Of course, they're a little aged, and have been installed a second time, so the railings and posts are a little on the rough side right now.  But I think they'll clean up okay in the end.

The South End Post 

The post to the South end of the stoop near the steps was previously surface mounted, and because we wanted to change that to being the overlap style, we had to get a new post.

The install was relatively simple although anchoring the post was a bit really challenging to make it very stable.  But it seemed relatively stable and that was with only a couple anchoring screws.  I'm thinking that when all the railings are in place it'll create a synergistic effect on the strength of the post and the whole system. 

Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day. - Melody Beattie


After that, it was just a matter of reinstalling the railings themselves.  And if you remember, a couple boards had some kind of mold or fungus growing on them...

So, all the railing boards on the eastern side of the stoop had to be replaced.  And the picture below shows the new railings in place.

The Steps 

Then all that was left was the railings that go from the stoop to the steps period of course, this involved geometry. So to install 2 boards, I don't know, 2 maybe 3 hours.  For two boards!

Due to some work commitments, it may be a week or so before I'm able to get back to work on finishing off the stoop.  There's still some sanding,  caulking and painting to do. I think that over this time I'll be deciding whether or not I like having the 2 offset railings down the steps.  Here's a shot of the first remodel...

At this point in time at the time I'm not digging the way it looks.  Having a little time between now and when it's finished will give me an opportunity to decide if I can used to it, or if I need to change back to the original three tasks. I guess we'll both find out with the next posting!

'Til then...thanks for stopping by - see ya' next time!

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